10-06-07 - Prospect Park Working Fire - 47 Struyk Ave
On Saturday October 6th 2007 the Prospect Park NJ Fire Department received a wake up call reporting a house fire at the corner of Struyk Ave and North 10th St (47 Struyk Ave). On arrival companies had heavy fire showing out a 2nd floor rear left room in a 2.5sty 25x40 2-family home. Paterson FD was dispatched with an engine, truck and rescue (automatic response for a fire in Prospect Park) and Hawthorne FD was requested as a fast team.
Crews put water on the fire early on in the fire however the fire had already extended into the attic. Companies had difficulty gaining access to the attic area and this prompted a short exterior ladder pipe operation to darken some of the heavy fire. Crews returned inside to knock down the remaining fire. 1 firefighter received non-life threatening injuries at the end of the fire and was removed by other members.
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Public Safety Pictures, LLC